My 5 Favorite Animes


And here I am with another list! This time five Animes that are worth a watch.

1- Zodiac Knights – The first anime I’ve ever watched. I remember running to the TV when I was five or six just to watch it. It tells the story of five boys who have bronze armor and have to fight their way up a zodiac tower, defeating the zodiac knights (in gold armor) to save the life of a girl named Sayuri. Well at least that was what happened during the biggest part of season one. Adding the cool songs and Sayuri’s long purple hair that I thought was super awesome (okay, I admit it, I still do), Zodiac Knights is a fun, entertaining anime.

2- Pokemon – “I want to be the very best! Like no one ever waaaass” (okay,  I was really singing it in Portuguese, but you get the picture). Pokemon is a classic that lives in our lives until today. I only watched first and second season and I only like the first 151 pokemons, or at max the first 250, but it’s an anime that needs to be here. I still play the game boy games up to date. But this is about the anime. It tells the story of Ash Ketchum, a 10 year-old boys that goes on an adventure with his new pokemon, Pikachu to become the best pokemon trainer in the world. Apart from Pikachu’s “pika pika pi,” it’s a really fun anime to watch and seeing the Rocket Team get screwed over and over again never gets old.

3- Cardcaptor Sakura – Because I’m a girl. It’s a cute anime, mostly for girls, but that guys can watch and have a nice time. It tells the story of Sakura, a 10 year-old girl (what’s up with the 10 year-olds?) that releases a set of cards (called clow cards in the first season) that have their own personality and powers. Sakura, then has to capture those cards with the help of her best friend, Tomoyo, that films all  her adventures and Chinese boy Syaoran Li, her rival at first, but that becomes a good friend later. It’s very entertaining, and once again, the theme song is awesome!

4- Tsubasa Chronicles – Written by the same authors as Cardcaptor Sakura, it tells a story with the same characters in a different parallel universe. Or something like that. It’s the story of Syaoran, the adopted sun of an archaeologist that becomes one himself. Syaoran is in love with Princess Sakura who loses all her memories in episode one. Syaoran, then embarks on a quest to get Sakura’s feathers (which contains fragments of her memory) throughout different worlds with the help of the Fay, a magician that wants to go anywhere, but his own world, Kurogane, a ninja that wants to go back to his home world and Mokona, a cute creature that has the power to travels through worlds. Unfortunately, the anime was cancelled after second season because it got too violent. But if you wanna know the end, you can read the mangas like I did.

5- Dragon Ball – Not dragon ball Z, not dragon ball GT (even though, I like them both as well), just dragon ball. It tells the story of Goku, a boy who has a monkey tail, that goes around the world searching for the seven dragon balls, that together summons the dragon Shenron, that can grant one wish. Throughout his adventure, Goku meets a green-haired girl named Bulma, a pig named Oolong, a cat (?) named Puar, a bald boy named Krillin, and several other people. It’s a funny anime that was part of my childhood and I should stop talking about it before I start to listen to its theme song for hundred times in a row.

And this was the end of another list! Again, feel free to add your own favorite animes to the list.

On geeks


Where do you go to meet geeks? Most kind of people go to bars, clubs Or use common friends to meet new people. But what If you are a geek and none of your friends are? If anyone figure that out, please let me know Or I’m gonna start hanging out at the comic book store across from where I go to school to meet geeks like me.

On a side note, how awesome would it be to have a Harry Potter MMO?? Discuss.

9 really good geek songs (Not necessarily in order)


Sooo I definitely gotta write here more! Anyways, I love lists. When I was younger, I used to write them all the time. It’s been a while but I thought, hey there’s so many geek lists I can write. So I decided to put together 9 songs that I think is appropriate for this list. Check out the artists too. They have more than just one good song!

Okay! Enough with the talk, here’s the list:


1–      Star Wars theme song – Two words: John Williams. I mean, come on. Someone that wrote the theme song for Star Wars (main and empire one), Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Superman and Jaws has to be in this list. Since I’m not adding all those songs, let’s just stick to Star Wars because let’s face it, It’s the geekiest and greatest of them all.

2–      Still Alive – Jonathan Coulton is the geekiest singer of this generation. And I’m probably gonna add more than one of his songs to this list, but for now, let’s stick to the Portal theme song because it’s Portal!

3–      A Saga Begins – Because that’s what you get when you put Weird Al Yankovic with Star Wars. And here I am back to Star Wars, but even though this song is a parody of American Pie, it’s still awesome.

4–      The Big Bang Theory Theme – Barenaked Ladies definitely knew what they were doing because hey, it’s a song about the universe and its billions of years of age.

5–      Code Monkey – By Jonathan Coulton. Again. It’s a song about a programmer that fell in love with a secretary. It’s geek love! It just had to be here.

6–      G33K & G4M3R GIRLS – By Team Unicorn. I was geeking out online a while ago and I found this. I prefer this version way more than Katy Perry’s original version. And come on it’s a song about geek/gamer girls! That’s me! And Seth Green raps in it! It’s a win.

7–      Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? – “She’s a star and she’s hotter than reality by far…” By Felicia Day and the rest of the guild. The reason this song is here is not just because it’s super catchy. It’s also because it’s the best WoW song there is! Well it isn’t actually referring to WoW, but it’s implied. It’s an awesome song from an awesome show.

8–      The Geeks Will Inherit The Earth – By I Fight Dragons. A song that has old school video games’ sounds added to it, tells the truth AND it’s sung by a bunch of geeks that call themselves “I fight dragons”. I think I said enough. Definitely deserves to be here.

9–      Wizard Love – By Meekakitty and heyhihello. Because come on! It’s a song about a forbidden love (greater than Romeo’s and Juliet’s) between a Slytherin guy and a Gryffindor girl! Yea, it’s a song about Harry Potter, which makes it even more epic!

Please feel free to add more numbers to this list!

Untitled Dystopia Chapter 1


Hey! Jules here. We decided to start writing this blog, at first to share our book, but I’m pretty sure we are gonna end up talking about random geek things. For now, here’s the first chapter, written by our very own, Shane! And now I’m gonna pass the word to him so he can talk a little about the book…

Hey it’s Shane now, so basic idea is a world where the Roman Empire instead of falling kept rising. 90% of the world is conquered by the Romans except for Australia. Since it’s just chapter 1 its just a introduction into the main character but as the story progress the reality behind the government will begin to unravel and secrets unfold but not just about the government but about Zay himself.

The chapter is still in rough draft so bear with me and any feedback is appreciated! So ladies and gentlemen, geeks of all ages, without further adue, I give you Chapter 1